Cooking Tips

Lets Know Some Great and Quick Cooking Secrets!

Cooking Tips : Boil Potatoes Tips

Enhance Potato and Egg Peeling

One of the best cooking Tips to Sprinkle a pinch of salt into the boiling water when cooking potatoes or eggs for effortless skin removal later.


Intensify Flavor 

Prior to cooking, toast nuts, rice, rava, and lentils (dal) to significantly enhance their flavors.

Intensify Flavor
Flavor Development in Semi-Gravy/Dry Dishes

Flavor Development in Semi-Gravy/Dry Dishes

Instead of relying on overnight marinades, the key to rich flavors lies in the marinade and the cooking medium. The use of ghee and coconut oil during sautéing or frying imparts remarkable depth to the dish’s taste profile.

Here is some list of quick cooking tips : 

  1. Use a minimum number of ingredients and try various combinations to make out how each ingredient affects the flavour
  2. You don’t need to cook everything Indian in ghee (clarified butter)! Use any oil you have on hand such as canola, olive, grapeseed etc.
  3.  Use onions, ginger and garlic as the building blocks of your curry. They will add flavor, texture and also thicken the sauce. Sauté them lightly to get rid of their raw flavor.
  4. Keep all your ingredients chopped and ready before you start cooking.
  5. A spoonful of sugar always helps balance the flavors – especially in dishes of meats and vegetables, especially in tomato-based curries.
  6. While cooking seafood, always cook on low to medium flame and watch it while it cooks. It takes minutes and is the easiest way to avoid over-cooking.